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New IT rules: Delhi HC warns Twitter, asks it to file a ‘better affidavit’

The Delhi High Court on Wednesday granted one week’s time to Twitter to file a better affidavit on the appointment of grievance officers to comply with the government’s 2021 IT Rules.  
Giving the micro-blogging platform a last opportunity, Justice Rekha Palli postponed the matter for hearing on August 6. “We can have the matter after one week, but you have to file a better affidavit. We are giving you a long rope,” the Judge told Twitter. 
The court, in a strongly worded order, also expressed its displeasure at the microblogging platform’s affidavit filed before it and asked it to comply with the rules “wholeheartedly”. 
It further added that the company’s affidavit shows serious non-compliance with the new IT rules.

“Just look at the affidavit. Your compliance officer categorically says that he is contingent. Have these affidavits even been vetted by you? There has got to be some seriousness about this post. This has to be a key managerial post. Some sanctity has to be given to this,” the court noted.
